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Stephanie Maria

My Story in Pictures

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    Beginning in early childhood, I was a ballet student in Saarland: Gazie Ballet School, Hildegard Rozek, Charles Bankston, including performances with their respective friends' associations.
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    Even as a young child I was often invited to the microphone on various festive occasions.
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    In my time at secondary school, modeling, theatre and musical productions were more important to me than cramming for exams.
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    During my training in hotel and restaurant management and my time spent abroad, I planned, choreographed and directed various performances.
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    I financed the preparations for my studies (voice training, tap and jazz dance) through endorsement deals.
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    In the 90s I fulfilled the dream of my youth: I left my first career and studied Dance, Song and Theatre at the University of the Arts (Universität der Künste, UdK) in Berlin, earning a degree in Musicals and Shows (Diplom [equivalent to a Master degree] Musical-Show).
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    This was followed by a three-year engagement as a soloist in children's theatre, musicals and theatrical performance at the Pforzheim Municipal Theatre (Stadttheater Pforzheim, Baden Wuerttemberg). As Bridget in the musical ‘A Slice of Saturday Night’
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    In Carlo Goldoni‘s ‚Trilogy of the summer resort‘ as ‚Giacinta’
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    ‚Madame Marie de Tourvel‘ in ‚Dangerous Liaisons‘‘
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    Additionally, I performed in minor film roles, however this was suddenly interrupted due to structural changes in the TV industry (actresses were replaced by models). On my own now, I took time for personal and artistic development and became acquainted with the native Brazilian music of Carioca Freitas; and only one month later Jyoti—descendant of the Cherokee Indians—through whom I was able to learn of the wisdom, teachings and cultural legacy of her tribe.
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    In the late 90s, my art lead me back to the roots of street theater, similar to the 'Commedia dell' arte' and I traveled through Germany, France, Luxemburg and Belgium for many years with the “Rue Piétonne” Theater (Strasbourg, France), which focuses on 'mime,' acting reduced to body language.
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    Thanks to my brother I did various photo shoots as a “model petite” in Nuremberg.
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    In search of further modes of expression and musical directions, I encountered the cultural variety of World Music and was able to not only fill large halls and churches as a solo singer, dancer (including choreography) and musical clown, but also to develop myself as an artist. During this time, I also began to offer seminars for voice, language and free dance (2002).
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    At the same time, I developed the solo performances which I put on in Deidesheim (Rhineland-Palatinate).
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    From 2005 to 2007 I was artistic leader of children's recreation in Loewenstein (near Heilbronn), as well as being engaged in various environmental projects with my own specially made performances about the history of the region.
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    In 2007 I began offering early music education for groups of toddlers and preschool children. Since 2013 I have lead Musikgarten® courses for parent-and-child groups with babies and children aged 0-5 at a midwives' practice in South Baden.
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    I am happy to take opportunities to sing freely, such as at weddings.
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    And I never tire of opening myself to new forms of musical expression and rhythm, such as at the 2017 “World Percussion Academy—Percussion first!”, Heek-Nienborg, North Rhine-Westphalia
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    In 2018 I fulfilled my heartfelt dream—how much longer should I wait? — and published my debut album “INFINITY.”